Monday 5 September 2011

Stranger things have NOT happened!

I've always been one to say 'Stranger things have happened.' Certain situations in my life, I've been able to sit back and say, ' I'm sure someone somewhere has been through more.' But what happens if I'm that someone, somewhere? What happens if I'm the person that the strangest things happen to? Nothing's impossible and by no means am I saying this is a bad thing. On the contrary, it can be a very positive thing. Especially seeing that I am a writer and what I write most of the time directly comes from my own life, let the strange, gotta take a double take, things happen! This being said, something very bizarre has happened to me recently, indirectly involving someone that I am related to but have no relationship with whatso ever. It's weird when certain people try to pry in your life because they don't have the balls, guts, motivation and brains to just simply flat out ask you first. The thing is, if this individual had been there from the get go, there would be no need to pry, try and steal your way into my life. Thank you very much. Britjanee has done quite well on her own raised by individuals who want nothing more than to see me succeed. If you, and I very well hope your reading this, had been there from the get go, you would see the daughter you left behind and have had a hand in raising her to be a gifted individual. God is so good in who he chooses to let in our lives and to keep out. Thank God I didn't have the misfortune of being raised by an asshole! You know who you are.

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